Tutoring Senec
Found 64 tutors
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Kristína V.
8 €/hour
Admission high school
Final exam high school
Kristína V.
8 €/hour
Admission high school
Final exam high school
I have experience in tutoring English, mathematics and computer science. I can adapt the style and pace of learning to the individual needs of the student. Since elementary scho...
Henrieta K.
10 €/hour
Admission high school
Final exam high school
Henrieta K.
10 €/hour
Admission high school
Final exam high school
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Vyštudovala som učiteľstvo slovenského jazyka a literatúry pre druhý stupeň ZŠ a SŠ, momentálne 8. rok učím na SŠ, aktívne doučujem už 8 rokov, pripravujem žiakov najmä na tes...
Od polovice septembra v Trnave. Pracovné dni.