Home senior care Senec
Found 60
Find a sitter to help the seniors in Senec. You can also view the ratings from ther users and the level of verification of the sitters.
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Alexandra S.
6 €/hour
Alexandra S.
6 €/hour
- Document verified
I have experience in caring for the elderly, as my grandmother, who is 75 years old, lives with us. We have a good relationship and I can help her with everyday things when she ...
Paulína P.
4 €/hour
Paulína P.
4 €/hour
- Document verified
I have experience with taking care of seniors and powerless/sick people. I often help my grandparents, I substitute my mom if she's sick or I attended some activities with senio...
Katarína Č.
5.5 €/hour
Katarína Č.
5.5 €/hour
- Document verified
So starostlivosťou o seniorov nemám zatiaľ skúsenosť, ale veľmi rada by som ju nadobudla. Rada pracujem s ľuďmi. Môžem Vás odprevadiť k lekárovi, pomôcť s nákupom či upratovaním...
Väčšinou vždy doobeda každý deň v týždni. Po,st,so môžem celý deň