  • 8 rokov skúseností s opatrovaním ...
  • 25 rokov
  • Žilina
  • Kontaktovali ju už 2 rodičia
  • Aktívna pred 3 mesiacmi
  • Zodpovedá do: 1 deň
  •  Sciences and Technologies High School Degree (Portuguese National Program)
  •  University of Algarve, Marine Biology (Faro, Portugal); University of Coimbra, Ecology (Coimbra, Portugal) and University Centre in Svalbard, Seabird Ecology (Svalbard, Norway)
  •  preferuje opatrovanie: do 20 hodin za týždeň
  •  Strážim v dome rodiny
  •  Je ochotná strážiť 2 deti
  •   Cez noc
  •   Skupinky detí

Débora F.


  • 25 rokov
  • 8 rokov skúseností s opatrovaním detí
  • covid-19 vakcína

Prešla overením dokladu (OP alebo VP)

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O mne

Dear family,

I'm Débora and I invite you to read my multiple experiences over the last 10 years with children below.


- 2016-2020: Monitor at Rede Ciência Viva, Faro (Science Museum). I've organized dozens of activities with groups of up to 15 kids, ages 5-12 (activities include birthdays, microscope lessons, and environmental lessons).
- 2020-2021: Au-Pair in Zürich, Switzerland during 12 months (two kids, ages 9 and 11). On my free time, I babysitted for a few families, with children ranging in age from 9 months to 9 years.
- 2019-2023: Science lectures to students of middle school to highschool.
- 2023-2024 : Individual tutoring (employed in a Study Centre) of mathematics, chemistry-physics, biology, and english, from middle school to highschool.
- 2022-2024: Babysitting in Coimbra, Leiria and Lisbon (highlight: over the summer of 2024 I spent most weeks looking after an 8 month old baby).


- I have professionally acquired competences in tutoring
- I'm happy to cook meals and help around the house (e.g., laundry, cleaning)
- I enjoy organizing activities (walks, pools, picnics..)
- I've always been responsible, and people describe me as loving and dedicated

If you're interested in my description, feel free to contact me so we can discuss a possible arrangement and get to know one another!

All the best,


I am available on weekdays for a maximum of about 8h per week.

Nemá aktuálny kalendár

Skúsenosti s opatrovaním


4 roky


4 roky


4 roky

detský školský vek

8 rokov


8 rokov

Skúsenosť so špeciálnymi požiadavkami

Poruchy autistického spektra a Detské choroby


Spev / hudobný nástroj, Kreslenie, maľovanie, Tanec / pohybová aktivita a Šport


Nemčina, Španielčina a Portugalčina

Portuguese (mother tongue), English (C1, Cambridge Assessment Certificate), Spanish (B1), German (A1)

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