Tutoring Svätý Jur
Found 7 tutors
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Kristína Š.
Kristína Š.
- Personally verified
I have experience tutoring English privately for eight years. I have worked with elementary and high school students, grammar school students, and adults. I tutor both online an...
Nikola D.
Nikola D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring english- approximately I tutored for half a year a 4,5 y.o. boy. I tutored with games. I have been learning english since kindergarden, I read en...
Viktória L.
Viktória L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I never wanted help with homework or studying, but I gladly helped my siblings, friends and classmates anytime they asked.
Paulína K.
Paulína K.
- Document verified
Zatiaľ nemám skúsenosti s doučovanim ale rada sa učím novým veciam , rada motivujem do práce a hrám sa aj s didaktickimy hrami
Magdaléna L.
Magdaléna L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Učila som na prvom stupni ZŠ. Mám s deťmi dostatok potrebnej trpezlivosti. Rada ich doučím a precvičím čo bude potrebné.
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