Tutoring Ivanka pri Dunaji
Found 22 tutors
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Katarina C.
Katarina C.
- Personally verified
I have experience in tutoring English. I became proficient in the English language through my higher education in Great Britain. I also have experience with students with learni...
Nikola M.
Nikola M.
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Nikola, I am from Slovakia and I have been teaching English for 5 years. I lived abroad for 11 years so English was very important for me. I love learning and ...
Nikola D.
Nikola D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience with tutoring english- approximately I tutored for half a year a 4,5 y.o. boy. I tutored with games. I have been learning english since kindergarden, I read en...
Terézia M.
Terézia M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I have experience in tutoring computer science, mathematics, English. I can adapt to the needs of the student and use multiple methods to best suit them.
Viktória L.
Viktória L.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I never wanted help with homework or studying, but I gladly helped my siblings, friends and classmates anytime they asked.
Ľubica K.
Ľubica K.
- Document verified
Mám skúsenosti s doučovaním, prípadne výpomoc pri domácich úlohách, školských projektoch a podobne. V minulosti som doučovala takmer všetky predmety základnej školy.
Emilia F.
Emilia F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Mám skúsenosti s doučovaním angličtiny u detí druhého stupňa základnej školy. Nebol by problém ani s mladšími ani so staršími. Tento rok som úspešne maturovala na jednotky z ang...
Alexandra H.
Alexandra H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Ponúkam doučovanie anglického a slovenského jazyka pre deti základnej školy prvého stupňa . Prípadne možnosť aj matematiky pre prváčikov alebo druhačikov . Doučovanie je možné a...
Paulína K.
Paulína K.
- Document verified
Zatiaľ nemám skúsenosti s doučovanim ale rada sa učím novým veciam , rada motivujem do práce a hrám sa aj s didaktickimy hrami
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