- 19 years
- Sídlisko KVP
- 10 users have already contacted her
- Activity about 1 hour ago
- Stredná odborná škola pedagogická sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Košiciach
- Prešovská univerzita v Prešove,Filozofická fakulta
- Years of experience: 2
- Kindergarden
- Primary school
- High school
- Admission high school
- Admission primary school
- Final exam high school
- Individual general preparation
- At Student's Location
- Online video tutoring

Veronika G.
10 €/hour
- 19 years
- Covid-19 vaccine

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Verified address
Verified identity
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About me
I´m student at Catholic teacher training high school of Saint Cyril and Methodius. I have 4 years of professional experience in a kindergarten and in a children's school club. I spend my leisure time in nature, with friends, kids and so on. Since I come from a rather big family, I have experience in babysitting children of various age categories. I also experienced working and caring for children with various specific/individual requirements.
Občasne môžem v pondelok od 14:00hod ( záleží na tom, aký týždeň je)
Utorok a stredu môžem od 13:00hod
Štvrtok nie som dostupná skôr ako po 16:00hod.
Piatky od 13:00hod.
Cez víkend aj iné dni sa samozrejme vieme dohodnúť presnejšie, časy sú iba orientačné.
Calendar last updated before 16 days
Tutoring subjects

Special needs
Čeština, English, and Slovak
Plynule ovládam anglický jazyk a rozumiem ukrajinskému jazyku.
Certifikát prvej pomoci
Where babysit
Primary city: Košický kraj » Košice » Košice II » Sídlisko KVP » Sídlisko KVP
Where am I available too?: Michalovce
Cez týždeň sa nachádzam v Košiciach, víkendy som v Michaloviciach.