Cat sitting in Veľké Úľany
Found 110 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Hlídač! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Veľké Úľany who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Dominika D.
Dominika D.
Milí majitelia zvieratiek, vitajte na mojom profile ☺️ O zvieratká sa starám skoro celý moj život, či už ide o psikov,mačiek alebo drobný chov. Za celé tie roky som sa starala o...
Patrícia R.
Patrícia R.
Dobrý deň, milujem zvieratká a myslím si že nie je žiadna hanba nechať si ho postrážiť ked ste preč. Predsa len lepšie ako nechať zvieratko samé doma. V prípade potreby ma kľud...
Dominika F.
Dominika F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Hello, dear pet owner. I hope that you are the same enthustiast than me. I dont have pet now, therefore i am happy if I have take care of your pets. I know, that the pet need l...
Margaréta M.
Margaréta M.
- Document verified
Dear petowners, welcome to my profile. I take care of pet from my childhood. I live in village I use to be around pets. I have dog and we use to g for a walk every day. I would ...
Magdaléna Č.
Magdaléna Č.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear owners, welcome to my profile. I have been taking care of dogs since I was a child. I have less experience with cats. I've had two dogs in the past (my ex-boyfriend's pets)...
Adriana N.
Adriana N.
Milí majitelia domácich maznáčikov, vitajte na mojom profile. Volám sa Adriana, mám 24 rokov. Ponúkam profesionálnu starostlivosť o vaše domáce zvieratko. Mám dlhoročné skúsenos...
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