Cat sitting in Radôstka
Found 53 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Hlídač! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Radôstka who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Daniela M.
Daniela M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have experience with animals since childhood, and therefore I would like to help you with yours. I kept several hamsters, cats and a do...
Veronika Č.
Veronika Č.
I would be happy to take care of your pets. I have a lovely cat at home that gets along well with various animals - other cats and even guinea pigs. As a child, I had various an...
Veronika Č.
Veronika Č.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hello! I have a close relationship with animals from early childhood, because i used to grow up surrounded by animals. We have always had chickens, dogs, bunnies (not for meat, ...
Veronika H.
Veronika H.
- Document verified
Hey fellow pet owners! Welcome to my profile. My name is Veronika. I've had a very good relationship with animals since I was little. I had animals ranging from fishes, turtles,...
Michaela P.
Michaela P.
Ahoojte, Dobrý deň, Hav-Hav, Mňau-Mňauú :-) + (inéé pazvuky :-D) Opatrím, postarám sa o Vášho psíka/mačičku, miláčika, chlpáčika. Iné druhy zvieratiek,napr.:(prasiatko,papagá...
Barbora F.
Barbora F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Zdravím Som dievča, ktoré bolo vedené k zodpovednosti,trpezlivosti a láske ku zvieratkám. Už ako malá som chovala rôzne druhy hydiny , zajace, morčatá, psíkovia, mačky. Aktualne...
Barbora H.
Barbora H.
- Document verified
dear animal lovers, welcome to my profile :) my name is Barbora and I have been taking care of animals since I was a child. we had all kinds of animals at home and I loved them ...
18. - 25. 1.