Cat sitting in Bratislava
Found 190 pet sitters
Are you looking for a sitter for your cat? Discover the world of pets at Hlídač! Choose from a wide range of reliable sitters in Bratislava who will take care of your cat as if it were their own.
Paulína P.
Paulína P.
- Document verified
I have experience with pets since childhood - from farm animals which I was helping my grandparents with taking care of when I was younger to ,,couch,, pets. Currently I have 2...
Viktória F.
Viktória F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Welcome :) My name is Viki, im 23 years old and i have a lot of experience with animals. I've been taking care of then from a young age and currently we have 2 dogs, cats, bunny...
Kristína V.
Kristína V.
Since my childhood, I have loved animals, especially dogs, cats and horses. I have experience walking my friends' dogs (Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Maltese, Bull Terrier, Sain...
Dominika T.
Dominika T.
- Document verified
Rada sa s láskou postarám o vášho domáceho miláčika 🙂chovám veľa zvierat - rybycky- take 30-40 cm :),hlodavce,papagáje , plazy mám 2. Macicky a psík mi bohužiaľ zomrel pred roko...
Barbora R.
Barbora R.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I've been taking care of pets since I was little, for example I had guinea pigs, rats and fish. Currently, I have an older dog that I help my grandmother take care of, and two g...
Liliana Z.
Liliana Z.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dobrý deň, volám sa Lili, mám 21 rokov a ponúkam stráženie alebo venčenie pre vaše domáce zvieratká, ku zvieratám mám veľmi pozitívny vzťah a budem veľmi rada ak svojich maznáči...
Kristína H.
Kristína H.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Volám sa Kristína a som veľkým milovníkom zvierat. Od mala sa stretávam s rôznymi zvieratami, mala som niekoľko škrečkov, pieskomilov, fretky, andulky či korely, párkrát som mal...
Michaela M.
Michaela M.
Ahojte všetkým milovníkom fajnučkych, voňavých, mačičkovskych kožuštekov . Prejdem rýchle k téme. Milujem Mačky. Milujem mačky a milujem sa o ne starať. Trávenie s nimi čo najv...