Pet sitting Snežnica
Found 38 pet sitters
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Daniela M.
Daniela M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have experience with animals since childhood, and therefore I would like to help you with yours. I kept several hamsters, cats and a do...
Veronika Č.
Veronika Č.
I would be happy to take care of your pets. I have a lovely cat at home that gets along well with various animals - other cats and even guinea pigs. As a child, I had various an...
Veronika H.
Veronika H.
- Document verified
Hey fellow pet owners! Welcome to my profile. My name is Veronika. I've had a very good relationship with animals since I was little. I had animals ranging from fishes, turtles,...
Michaela P.
Michaela P.
Ahoojte, Dobrý deň, Hav-Hav, Mňau-Mňauú :-) + (inéé pazvuky :-D) Opatrím, postarám sa o Vášho psíka/mačičku, miláčika, chlpáčika. Iné druhy zvieratiek,napr.:(prasiatko,papagá...
Bibiána A.
Bibiána A.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Vitajte na mojom profile😄 Volám sa Biba, mám 18 rokov a milujem zvieratká. Sama doma nemám zvieratko, pretože si s rodičmi uvedomujeme, že zvieratko nie je doplnok ale živá byto...
Bronislava Š.
Bronislava Š.
- Document verified
Dear dog owners, welcome to my profile. I don't have experience with watching dogs yet, but I've had a little Maltese at home for 8 years. I love animals and can handle smaller ...
Kristína S.
Kristína S.
- Document verified
Vážený majitelia vitajte na mojom profile mám sucku na fotke čiže nemám problém zo strážením väčších plemien takisto máme aj mačičku čiže keď budete potrebovať popri venčeni n...
Adriána C.
Adriána C.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Vitajte na mojom profile od útleho veku mám záľubu vo zvieratkách takže som si istá že nebude ľutovať keby si ma vyberiete. Sama som mala už niekoľko zvieratok a stále aj mám. M...
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