Pet sitting Selec
Found 93 pet sitters
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Bibiána M.
Bibiána M.
- Document verified
Hello, my name is Bibiána, and I absolutely love animals, especially dogs. I have two senior dogs of my own – both are rescues who I’ve given a loving forever home. Dogs have be...

Terézia M.
Terézia M.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners welcome to my profile ! I’ve been taking care of pets since I was a little girl. I have a dog which I’m taking care of and my grandparents have owned cats, dogs ...

Gabriela Č.
Gabriela Č.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile. My name is Gabriela and I have a lot of experience with looking after animals. In my childhood I kept a hamster, a rabbit, a cat, a dog a...

Veronika Š.
Veronika Š.
- Document verified
Dear pet owners, My mame is Veronika and I live in Nitrianska Blatnica. I love to take care of pets, I own 2 small dogs and I have owned a few reptiles. I’m in contact with anim...

Martina Č.
Martina Č.
- Document verified
Dear owners, if you are looking for a reliable and caring person to take care of your pets, I will be happy to help you. I am an animal lover myself, and I have also owned a few...

Paulína K.
Paulína K.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Welcome on my profile. My name is Paulína. Iam 23 years old and I live in Trenčín. Since I was 6 years old I was taking care of our little dog and i really love all variety of a...

Katarína F.
Katarína F.
Dear pet owners! I have many years of experience with animals. Since I was a child, I have raised hamsters, hedgehogs, chameleons, fish and also snails. I have experience with c...

Margaréta M.
Margaréta M.
- Document verified
Dear petowners, welcome to my profile. I take care of pet from my childhood. I live in village I use to be around pets. I have dog and we use to g for a walk every day. I would ...

Natália S.
Natália S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, Dear friends, since I have my own dog, which I take care of as best as I can - daily walks/runs for free, playing, hikes, but of course also exercise and improvement in obed...

Katarína V.
Katarína V.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Personally verified
Volám sa Katarína, pre Vás Katka. Vyštudovala som kynológiu na Univerzite veterinárskeho lekárstva a farmácie v Košiciach. Vo voľnom čase pomáham rodinným príslušníkom, kamarát...

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