Pet sitting Košice - Džungľa
Found 103 pet sitters
Find a care-giver for your pet care in Košice - Džungľa. You can also view the ratings from other users and the level of verification of the sitters.

Kristína L.
5 €/hour
Kristína L.
5 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Dear pet owners welcome to my profile. I have a lot of experience with animals since childhood. For example dogs,cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, parrots, canaries and another small ...

Patrícia B.
10 €/hour
Patrícia B.
10 €/hour
Dear pet owners, welcome to my profile! I have been surrounded by animals since a very young age. We always had cats at home, and I cared for them with love. In the past, I also...

Dominika H.
6 €/hour
Dominika H.
6 €/hour
Hello .My name is Dominika.I'm 25 years old. I've always wanted a pet but couldn't have one so I haven't got any pet. So it's a pleasure to be around yours .. :) I can pet him ,...

Zväčšia môžem každý deň, som flexibilná, keďže moja práca sa meni z týždňa na týždeň.