- 27 years
- Barca
- 7 users have already contacted her
- She sends photos from pet sitting.
- Activity 4 months ago
- Response time: 3 hours
- Škola úžitkového výtvarníctva
- 3 jazykové školy v USA
- Overnight stay at dogs (cats...) home
- Visit & play
- Dog walking
- Small (up to 5kg)
- Medium (up to 25kg)
- Junior
- Adult
- Senior
Katarína D.
10 €/hour
- 27 years
- Covid-19 vaccine
Verified e-mail and phone number
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
check against duplicate registrations · validation date verification
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About me
Ahoj :)
volám sa Katka, mám 27 rokov a život bez zvierat si neviem predstaviť ( podľa mňa to bez nich nemá zmysel! ).
Sama mám doma zverinec a to doslovne. Mám doma francúzsku buldočku ktorá je za 5tich a koníka.
Niesú to moje prvé zvieratká, pár rôčkov dozadu som mala ešte 2 psíkov.
Skúsenosti so strážením mám keďže som sama majiteľkou. Keď som žila v USA susedom som strážila 5 psíkov menšieho vzrastu, kocúra a veľa kanárikov v okrasnej klietke, každý deň cca 2,5 roka (venčenie, hra, strava,mojkanie).
What I would like to know about the of the dog/pet
It’s better if you give me a call and tell me everithing about your pet :)
Február 2024
Current calendar is not availaible
Čeština and Slovak
I have lived and studied in the US for more than 3 years. I went through 3 different US English language schools. My English communication skills are more than good (B2 level). I obtained 3 certificates from those schools where I studied however I am not looking to teach English or to give English lessons.
Opatrovateľský kurz, ktorý na vyžiadanie môžem doložiť.
Care under the Social Services Law
I also provide services under the Social Services Law (č. 448/2008
Download the document
Hlídačky.sk do not check that the document entitles the sitter to provide social services under Law No č. 448/2008