Cleaning and ironing lady in Cífer
Found 21 cleaners
Are you looking for a cleaning lady who will also iron for you in Cífer? Discover the world of cleaning at Hlídač Choose a cleaning lady who will not only clean your home, but also help you iron your clothes.
Adriana O.
Adriana O.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I like clean and cozy at home and at work. I clean, wash windows, refrigerator, iron and other household chores. If necessary, also around the house. Order and cleanliness both...
Klaudia K.
Klaudia K.
I do cleaning at home regularly and I have experience cleaning at friends' houses as well. I like to vacuum, wash the floor and wipe the dust at your place. Of course, I have no...
Alexandra D.
Alexandra D.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I like cleaning; I have a dog at home, so cleaning is something I'm very familiar with. I have an eye for detail. When I'm in a bad mood, I like to start vacuuming and things li...
Nicholas M.
Nicholas M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
Since I am a very meticulous person and I believe in order and cleanliness, I do cleaning on a weekly basis, whether it is my room or the whole household. I have experience in w...
Martina H.
Martina H.
- Document verified
S upratovaním mám 100%skúsenosti,vysavam,utieram prach,periem,umývam riad aj podlahu,kúpeľňu aj záchody... Poprípade Vám aj ozehlim prádlo alebo aj uložím ci ususim.
Daniela Š.
Daniela Š.
- Document verified
Upratovaniu venujem veľkú časť môjho času, pretože pre mňa slúži ako odreagovanie od náročného učenia popri vysokoškolskom štúdiu, zároveň som pri upratovaní veľmi dôsledná, mám...
Tatiana B.
Tatiana B.
Dobrý deň,žehlenie nieje moc obľúbená činnosť,ale mňa veľmi baví ,preto už niekoľko rokov ponúkam pomoc rodinám ktoré nestíhajú žehliť.Rodiny prádlo buď privezú alebo si prídem ...
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