Cleaning and ironing lady in Štefanová
Found 9 cleaners
Are you looking for a cleaning lady who will also iron for you in Štefanová? Discover the world of cleaning at Hlídač Choose a cleaning lady who will not only clean your home, but also help you iron your clothes.
Františka V.
Františka V.
- Document verified
Hi! I am a high school student. In the past, I worked in cleaning, and I also have extensive experience maintaining cleanliness at home. I enjoy work that requires organization ...
Kristína K.
Kristína K.
- Document verified
Hello, I have experience with cleaning apartments, as far as dusting, vacuuming, washing windows, and of course it depends on the agreement.
Katarína Č.
Katarína Č.
- Document verified
Doma sa venujem upratovaniu pravidelne. Mám rada poriadok s čistotu. Práve pre to, by som rada pomohla poupratovať druhým.
Justína M.
Justína M.
- Document verified
Cleaning apartments, houses - ironing - Windows cleaning - dusting - vacuuming - use of eco cleaning products - use of essential oils
Martina P.
Martina P.
- Covid-19 vaccine
Popri dvoch malých deťoch som nadobudla zručnosť rýchlo a efektívne uprataťovať. Pokiaľ upratovanie nie je vaša vášeň, rada vám s tým pomôžem.
Väčšinou vždy doobeda každý deň v týždni. Po,st,so môžem celý deň