Home cleaning Kalša
Found 70 cleaners
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Natália A.
Natália A.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Video verification
Hello, my name is Naty and I deal with cleaning almost every day at home, but I also have experience in e.g. In kindergarten or in other people's apartments. I will vacuum, wash...
Miroslava F.
Miroslava F.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Mirka I would like to help you as a cleaning lady I can cleaning of floors, vacuuming, taking care of kitchen and the bathroom or helping with cooking I have fr...
Martina S.
Martina S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Keďže bývam v podnájme s priateľom a psikmi, tak sa tu snažím udržiavať poriadok denne. Žila som so starými rodičmi, ktorí ma celý život učili k poriadku a pomáhaniu s domácnosť...
Natália M.
Natália M.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
Upratovanie je pre mňa viac než len každodenná povinnosť – je to spôsob, ako priniesť harmóniu a poriadok do svojho života. Milujem pocit čistoty a organizácie, ktorý vytvára po...
Richard G.
Richard G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
At home, I help with cleaning every day, I iron my clothes, bed linen. I vacuum, wash the floor and the like.
Gabriela K.
Gabriela K.
- Document verified
At home, I clean every day. I worked as a maid in Austria for 10 years. I will iron, wash the windows, clean the whole household. I am reliable, hardworking, flexible 😉
Miroslava Š.
Miroslava Š.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I have been interested in topics like cleaning and decluttering since my university studies. I have helped to declutter several households, extra stuff ended mostly in donation ...
Kristína S.
Kristína S.
- Document verified
Ahojte, volám sa Kristína mám 19 rokov a študujem na Technickej univerzite v Košiciach. Mám skúsenosti s upratovaním hotelov, penziónov a kancelárií. Uprednostňujem poriadok a č...
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