- 43 years
- Bratislava
- 9 users have already contacted her
- Activity about 2 months ago
- Stredna zdravotnicka skola
- Making a company, talking, playing games, etc.
- Alzheimer's disease
- Parkinson's disease
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Mobility problems
- Help with hygiene
- Food preparation
- Accompanying to the doctor
- Physiotherapy, art therapy
Zuzana L.
10 €/hour
- 43 years
About me
Som zdravotna sestra s 20 rocnou praxou na JISke a starala som sa aj o moju leziacu babicku. Okrem toho som uz opatrovala aj seniorov u nich doma.Takze skusenosti mam bohate.
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