Babysitting Valča
Found 22 sitters
Choose a sitter in Valča. On each profile you can take a look at the level of verification of the sitter, read about her experience and, above all, find out how other parents evaluate her.
Viktória H.
10 €/hour
Viktória H.
10 €/hour
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I always had a relationship with children since a young age. I babysat children in the family and later also for relatives. After graduation, I went to America as an au pair, wh...
Kristína Z.
9 €/hour
Kristína Z.
9 €/hour
- Document verified
Dobrý deň, Som Kristína mám 24, som umelkyňa ktorá si hľada svoje miesto na život. Žila som na rôznych miesta ale dlhodobo v Poľsku (Gdansku) kde som vyštudovala Akadémiu umenia...