Babysitting Košice II
Found 73 sitters
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Terézia Š.
Terézia Š.
- Document verified
Ahoj! Som mamou dvoch domškolákov, a hľadám si cestu ako zosúladiť rodinné aj pracovné fungovanie. Touto cestou Vám chcem ponúknuť svoj čas, skúsenosti s deťmi od najmenších až ...
Richard G.
Richard G.
- Covid-19 vaccine
- Document verified
I am studying practical nursing at a medical school, I have been taking care of children for about a year or two. In my free time I like to read, study and sing. I get along ve...
Kristína J.
Kristína J.
- Document verified
Momentálne som študentka na SZŠ Moyzesova 17, v Košiciach. Dobre vychádzam s deťmi rôzneho veku. Prax s detičkami mám už 10 rokov. Od vtedy ich chodím strážit niekomu z rodiny....
Natália D.
Natália D.
- Document verified
Hi, my name is Natália but call me Lia please :). I study at secoundary medical school at Kukučinova 40, like masseur. Im at 4 class. I wort at kids actions : painting at face, ...
Daniela S.
Daniela S.
- Covid-19 vaccine
I graduated from Gymnasium Alejová. I am in my fourth year and I am continuing my studies at the Technical University, Faculty of Economics. I worked in an English-speaking kind...