- 5 years experience with babysitting
- 24 years
- Bratislava
- She has already been contacted by 60 parents
- Booked repeatedly
- Activity 10 days ago
- Evanjelické lýceum,Vranovská 2
- Lekárska fakulta univerzity Komenského
- prefers sitting: up to 20 hours/week
- I babysit at parents' place
- she can babysit 3 kids
- Birthday parties and other
- Travel for Vacations
- Overnights
- Groups of kids
Rút V.
15 €/hour
- (3)
- 24 years
- 5 years experience with babysitting
She passed document verification (ID or DL)
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About me
Here's a corrected version:
My name is Rút, and I'm 23 years old. I graduated from an English bilingual high school, studied medicine for two years, and am currently pursuing psychology.
I've been involved in childcare since childhood because my parents have been caring for children from the children's house since 2007. We've had a private nursery in our home since this year. My parents are professional caregivers, and I consider myself a professional sister ;-) This means the babies stay with us until they are put up for adoption.
We've successfully facilitated the adoption of 20 children, two of whom continue to live with us due to severe disabilities (hearing impairment, autism, polio). They are now 4 and 11 years old, attending a special school/kindergarten.
Approximately 100 babies have passed through my care, including those in the nursery and my siblings. We share the same household, and an extra pair of hands is always beneficial. I spend time with the kids every day, and I would like to extend this experience beyond our home.
During the summer and the school year, I can provide childcare as needed during the week or on weekends. The child's age doesn't matter; I have experience with children from infancy to the teenage years. I enjoy going out with them, offering love, playing, and assisting with basic habits or school subjects. :)
dostupná cez pracovný týždeň po 17 a nedele
nedeľa voľná
Calendar last updated before 10 days
General Experience
5 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
5 years
Special Experience
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hyperactivity, Care for Sick Children, Food Allergies, Sleep Disorders, Visual Impairment, Hearing Impaired, and Special needs
Skills and Hobbies
Singing/playing musical instrument and Drawing, painting
Hranie na husle,klavír,spev,kreslenie,pomáhanie s učením rôznych predmetov do školy
English and Slovak
Chodila som na anglické bilingválne gymnázium ,a tak mám angličtinu úroveň C1. (na maturite) Bežne asi rozprávam B2.
Silvia06/08/2023Babysitting - via this platform
Rut je velmi mila, zodpovedna, vzdy dochvilna a dakujem, ze aj flexibilna hlidacka/pestunka...:) Vobec som sa nebala jej zverit moje deti, nebol s nou ziaden problem, vrelo doporucujem.
Táňa R.08/07/2022Babysitting - via this platform
S opatrovateľkou sme veľmi spokojní. Je absolútne profesionálna, dochvíľna, vytvorila si vzťah s drobcom... Je fajn.
Marián K.27/06/2022Babysitting - via this platform
Super, môžem len odporučiť :)